Car & Van Air Conditioning ReGas in Milton Keynes


Vehicle Heroes offers competitive fixed price air conditioning re-gas services and air con repairs in Milton Keynes for cars and vans.

Air Con Re-Gas
From £30
inc VAT
Price is £10 (inc vat) per 100grams
Pricing applies to R134A gas - newer vehicles may require R1234YF gas which we don't yet supply (coming soon!)
Typical car needs 450 to 500 grams

When to Get an Air Conditioning System ReGas

Vehicles lose refrigerant every year and to keep it running at optimal efficiency it is recommended it has a recharge every 2 years as a minimum.

If your air con system is producing warm air, this is a big warning that your system needs urgent attention and could cost you more if you ignore it, as the system is working harder to power the air con which can result in damage.

Unpleasant smells coming from air vents also suggests that your air con needs some attention.

Benefits of an Optimal Air Conditioning System

  • Keeps you cool in summer
  • Removes excess moisture and de-mists your vehicle when it’s wet outside or in winter
  • Filters harmful elements including harmful dust, other vehicle emissions, pollen, various fungal spores
  • Reduces your fuel consumption by having less strain on the engine

Effects of a Poor Air Conditioning System

It’s important your air-con system doesn’t become blocked or have a harmful build-up of mould and bacteria. This can lead to…

  • Musty odours in your vehicle
  • People suffering from asthma and allergies are especially at risk, so it’s important to ensure the pollen filter is kept clear
  • Risk of infection to you – throat, flu-like infections and car like sickness